Monday, June 20, 2011

I came back!

Well it's been more than a week. I don't know if I have anything interesting to say.
But I have to say how grateful I am for all I have in my life. Simple things. My neighbors giving us a roll of toliet paper, after Luke pushed the last role down the toliet. Our other neighbors giving us the old railroad ties from their yard so I can make a raised bed around the chicken coop.
Everytime I think we are at the end of our rope, God brings something wonderful. A friend, a job opportunity, or even the grace of a beautiful sunset.
Thank you to God, in all you do!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Not sure why........

I am even attempting at writing this. I can barely form a cohesive sentence. If anyone reads this it will be obvious shortly.
I have been reading so many blogs lately about the simple life. Family, faith, homesteading. I thought I would try to keep track of my attempts at this as well.
I live in a small town in Wisconsin. I have 3 usually wonderful kids, and a husband. I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, a bunny and recently have embarked upon the world of chickens. We are raising 10 chicks. They are 4 weeks old. There are 5 White Orpingtons and 5 Black Australorps. They are so amusing. I have wanted chickens since I was little. We are allowed to have 2 here in the village. So you think they will notice 10? There's more to the 10, but I will save that for if I ever write again.
Above all I am blessed with all that I have. To many it may not seem much. And it probably isn't. We are always in some sort of financial debacle. But I know we are not alone in that. I do feel alone in dealing with it sometimes. Another topic, another time.
You may be wondering why I can't spell affurmation correctly. Well I have started a business doing dog and pet artwork. Hence the name Affurmation Artwork. I try to stay positive with lots of prayer.